Our Services

Community Dialogue is a registered 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing essential support and resources for individuals seeking asylum. We understand the challenges you may face and the importance of private funding and fundraising to fulfill our mission. Our primary goal is to be a comforting presence, offering not only a warm plate of food but also a compassionate ear to listen and connect you with various resources.

While our organization strives to assist in various ways, we recognize that we may not be able to meet every need. However, we are deeply committed to ensuring that you are never alone in your journey. Community Dialogue works closely with a network of partner organizations, enabling us to refer you to the appropriate resources and extend a helping hand when our services are not fully sufficient.

Our ultimate aim is to create an environment where you can find solace and a sense of belonging as you embark on a new chapter in your life, seeking asylum in a new country. We believe in fostering a smooth transition, allowing you to feel at home and providing you with a strong foundation for a fresh start.

Please remember that Community Dialogue is here to support you, and we are dedicated to connecting you with the assistance you require. Together with our partners, we are committed to ensuring your well-being and helping you navigate the challenges that arise during your asylum-seeking process.